The JCA is a major piece of the platform, and contains a"provider" architecture and a set of APIs for digital signatures,message digests (hashes), certificates and certificate validation,encryption (symmetric/asymmetric block/stream ciphers), keygeneration and management, and secure random number generation, toname a few. These APIs allow developers to easily integratesecurity into their application code. The architecture was designedaround the following principles:
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Shortly afterwards, the Mozilla Foundation invited Garrity to head up the new visual identity team. The release of Firefox 0.8 in February 2004 saw the introduction of the new branding efforts. Included were new icon designs by silverorange, a group of web developers with a long-standing relationship with Mozilla. The final renderings are by Jon Hicks, who had worked on Camino.[265][266] The logo was later revised and updated, fixing several flaws found when it was enlarged.[267] The animal shown in the logo is a stylized fox, although "firefox" is usually a common name for the red panda. The panda, according to Hicks, "didn't really conjure up the right imagery" and was not widely known.[266]
Run the ssh-keygen command to generate a SSH key. Just press enter when it asks for the file, passphrase, same passphrase. It generates a pair of keys in /.ssh directory by default. Id_rsa is the private key and is the associate public key. 2ff7e9595c